Simonds Elementary PAC (Parent Advisory Council)
We are parents of children who attend Simonds Elementary. We are volunteering our time to work closely with the school to assist with and enrich the student experience at Simonds. Our kids range from kindergarten to grade 5.
The best place to get the information on all the things going on with the PAC is to come out and join the PAC meetings.
PAC meeting dates:
These will be announced through the newsletter and on our website calendar.
PAC meeting topics:
- Proposed projects
- Current projects: Craft fair, hot lunch dates
- Fundraising: what we are doing and suggestions for new ideas
- Updates on our school news from the principal and regional school news from the DPAC (district parent advisory council) representative
- Concerns brought forth by any parents
The PAC organizes and funds student activities such as the Christmas store, a milk and veggie/fruit program, and family fun night and much more.
The PAC also assists the Simonds teachers by subsidizing field trips and providing a classroom allowance for each teacher.
2024-2025 Executive Members
President – Kayla
Vice President – Kealy
Treasurer – Sarah B.
Secretary – Sarah H
Health and Safety – Kala
Hot Lunch Coordinators – Erika & Brendan
Click here to learn more about PAC Executive Roles
PAC Email:
2024 Simonds PAC Summer Newsletter
Simonds PAC Minutes June 2024