Strong Start

Simonds StrongStart Program

The district encourages families to continue to take part in early learning activities and attend StrongStart locations across the district. Staff look forward to working with and welcoming new children and families to our school communities. More information about StrongStart is found here.

Information about StrongStart

Simonds StrongStart Facebook Page

Advanced registration is not necessary. On the first day of attending StrongStart, the facilitator will provide you with a registration form and other documents to fill out. Parents/guardians will be required to provide a birth certificate for their child. Please follow any further instructions outlined by the facilitator at the Centre.

Please visit our Facebook page, Simonds Elementary Strongstart, for program information or stop by and say hello. Registration can be handled by Trish in the Strongstart room.

Upon arriving in our parking lot, you will enter Strong Start through the west side of the school around by the playground.

Monday to Friday – 9:00am – 12:00pm. * Fridays will be our outdoor day. We will be offsite at various locations on these days.

StrongStart is a FREE early learning drop-in program for children birth to 5 years of age. Parents and/or caregivers attend this fully funded Ministry of Education program with their children. Teacher Trish is an Early Childhood Educator who will provide a rich play-based learning environment full of activities. Activities provided will promote opportunities where your child/children can make new friends, explore new activities and learn skills that will assist them in the preparation and successful transition to kindergarten. As adults you are encouraged to get involved in the learning activities with your children, like stories, music, art and playing games.  You are your child’s first role model and teacher. Please feel free to ask questions, share comments or suggestions with Trish. Join StrongStart as we learn new ways to support your child’s learning, get information about community resources and make valuable connections with others attending the program. We look forward to the partnerships we will build together.

Our first day of Simonds StrongStart is Wednesday September 16

CLOSURES 2024-2025:

Sept 30, Oct 8, 14, 25, Nov 8, 11, Dec 19-Jan 6th (Winter Break)

Jan 22, Feb 10, 17, 24, March 13, 14, 17-28, 31, April 18, 21, May 8, 9, 19, June 16-27

2025-02-February Strongstart

Simonds Elementary and U-Connect

20190 - 48 Avenue, Langley
BC, V3A 3L4
Phone: 604-530-2361
Fax: 604-530-9671