School Fees Notice to Parents/Guardians;
Each school year, parents support their child(ren)’s formal learning experiences in a wide variety of
ways. We appreciate all that you do to ensure a successful year!
Families can purchase through School Starts or use the lists as a guide and purchase on your own.
If you have any questions when ordering online for grades 1-5, please contact School Start’s Customer Service Department: Email: | Phone: 1-800-580-1868
In addition to providing the school supplies itemized on a grade list, parents are periodically asked for monies to cover specific items and/or special events. No student will be denied the opportunity to participate in any school activity due to the inability to pay. Please contact the Mrs. Goss Klecker in the office, should you require any financial assistance.
As we plan for the upcoming school year, we anticipate the following costs;
For all students’ grades K-5
- Parents need to supply a pair of runners that their child can put on and fasten by his/herself for gym. Please choose non-marking shoes. An extra pair of socks, underwear and clothing for emergencies is necessary for your child. These items should be stored in a clearly labeled zip-lock bag.
- Student Planner: We encourage all students in Grades 1-5 to purchase a School Planner through School Cash Online at This will be set up for payment at the end of August. Included in the planner is our school code of conduct, school calendar and school district information. We find this to be an excellent tool for facilitating home/school communication, as well as for developing our students’ organizational skills.
Supply Service Grade 1-5:
- Parents in grade 1-5 have the option of purchasing their child’s school supplies on their own utilizing the grade supply list or, for your convenience you may wish to purchase supplies as a package through School Start. Payment is made directly to School Start and orders will be sent to homes. Costs for supplies vary based on grade.
Kindergarten supplies
- Our Kindergarten student’s supplies are being ordered by individual classroom teachers and parents will be asked to pay a flat fee of $50.00.
- Payment can be made through School Cash Online at This will be set up for payment between the end of August, middle of September.
- These supplies are kept communally in the classroom, as well as supplies for special in-class activities. Some supplies are not that easy to find, and the quality can vary greatly. It is much easier and better for the classroom and student if families participate in the school program rather than shop on their own.
There are three reasons this method is preferred:
- It is a much more consistent teaching and learning environment when all the children are using the same materials and tools.
- Many appropriate supplies are hard to find, and it will make your children’s learning easier if they have the proper materials.
- Since we buy in bulk this allows us to purchase items at a discounted price and lets our money go further.
There will be NO school delivery next year, ALL supplies ordered will be delivered to your home. The teachers will advise when the students are to bring them into class in September.
***Please do not purchase any school supplies for your kindergarten child as we will be doing a communal order in the fall.***